April 07, 2011

Just Like That...

And just like that she calls you
Coming from the source
Drawing you into the vortex
From dark to light
Invisible to the
A direct stream
A thruway road
On the fast track
Going with the flow

What do you hide
Don’t get out of control
Are you dulling the power
Come back inside
Something else lies within
So much more beyond your wildest dreams…
Slow down the pace
Look a little closer
Listen to the calling
Turn it up loud

A sharp turn
Yet the road is blocked
Unable to see
Tell me what I do not see
Hold on for a little while
Before you are off again into the next
Watch… for just one second
Marinating in the

Turn down the volume
and come one step closer
Take a seat
Wait a minute
There is SO much more
and I step into the stream
The aliveness takes me away…
Jumping in
Jumping out
I come back in again and again
Moving energy through the body
finally I see into this gift
I understand the language
Spoken loud and clear
I hear the truth
I embody the truth
Being held
I can distinguish the way
A different path
Following my path
Vibrations pulse through the body
Like each inhale and exhale of breath
Taken by the force
Surrendering to the unknown
Fully embracing this calling from a distance...

1 comment:

  1. Dori CostelloApril 10, 2011

    your magnificent writing inspires me to face my truth.
