April 26, 2015

Voices of Selves Believe

Murmurs of the Heart
sweet soft secret sound
quiver and tremble
scream and shout
howl and roar
a voice i long to hear
dare to listen
never forgotten
always known

fractures of consciousness
where the light gets in
follow the shining crack
through branches of the trees
luminous sun bright shimmers and shines
a mysterious portal
  white pearly gates of heaven
can you see

palm to palm
finger to finger
a spinning vortex
engulfed in
vibration of spirit
the one who is saved

do You a Believe
are You a Believer
drifting astray
still waiting to exhale...

April 18, 2015

Non Attachment: Aparigraha

Loosen the grip...empty to be filled again

April 05, 2015

River Runs

Runs like a river
pace round round round and round
 to and from
seek find discover
 missing remembering only to forget
where does this river run why

filled up full overflowing
starving to the bone
never satisfied
never knowing
forever all
never known

maybe you are looking in all the wrong places
between the bank
sweet waters
ebb and flow
carry and drift

the way will destroy you
tear you up, swallow you whole
and spit you back out
to begin again
just begun
jump in
currents carry you
away…away…far away